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  • Studio Britford The Heymersh Salisbury United Kingdom (map)

This is an opportunity for those with a regular yoga practice. It is above all, a day of experimentation and fun and its aim is to reinforce the fundamentals of selected inversions. The hope is that it will help overcome any barriers you may have about trying new inversions and it will push through plateaus encouraging a more intelligent practice. Do not be put off by ‘it’s not for me because I am not good at… I am frightened to ….. I will feel ……. These are wonderful challenges that are there to liberate us and connect us to the courage we all have. It’s play, it’s fun and above all it is allowing us to step a little further into what we are capable of achieving.

You will learn the following foundations and practice:

  • Fllating & pressing - the keys of bandhas and compression

  • Handstand - develop the knowledge of how to train your handstand

  • Flexibility & mobility - Learn different methods of stretching to develop both strength and flexibility in postures, such as front splits and general shoulder mobility


Some experience in arm balances: Bakasana (crow), and Parsva Bakasana (side crow),
*Tripod Headstand and Sirsasana (headstand/forarm)
*Working with Pincha Mayurasana and/or Handstand against the wall
*Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose) - can be the foundation ie before lift.

£85 - includes very light lunch.