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11am AND 7pm

This is a very auspicious day. New Moons are a time for rebirth. As the moment that the previous lunation (or Moon Cycle) comes to a close and the new Moon Cycle begins, it is a celestial new beginning. New Moons cleanse. Its a time to rid yourself of the themes of the previous lunation and come into the new one with the energies that will be of benefit to you and not the ones that hold you back.

New Moons are also the best time to focus and feel into what you wish to manifest, what is important to you and to set goals for the weeks ahead.

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With the New Moon and the Lion's Gate Portal aligning this year, this will be an intensely powerful moment for focussing on bringing ideas to life. It has been a strange year and we may feel stuck - not sure what is happening and so put things on endless wait and see.

If you come to a gong bath this Sunday and wish to write down your intentions its a good way to set time aside and look honestly at what it is that would make your life richer. There will be a fire outside into which we can to throw written intentions and a pinch of Palo Santo to send them on their way.

The new moon will be at its least visible point at 9:50am but its effects will be felt across the day.

Sessions are £15.

There are refreshments afterwards. These are held in another room so social distancing can be maintained. As the evenings draw in and become cooler, the underfloor heating will be put on to ensure that you are warm throughout the session and by late October the sessions will be in candlelight.

BOOKING: or on the Booking page